#ThoughtsOnHigh: “No Tickets for the Gun Show?”

A Conversation on High…

“I would love to visit you, but I can’t have guns there.”

“So in the meantime, come visit. We have patient reciprocity. Can gift you meds if you bring your card. You can finally try some of those cold ethanol extracts here!”

“Wait, what?”

“You can’t have guns in Arizona.”

“That wouldn’t be a reason to not visit, you know, but, um… We’ve literally talked to people moving to Arizona for better access to shooting ranges and firearms. Where did this even come from? What news are you watching?”

“That is what mom said.”

“What? … Are you talking about the medical marijuana thing? If so, that is everywhere. That is a federal thing. If anything, Arizona’s state law wouldn’t stop you. Heck, you’d swear some places it is a requirement to have guns out here. Look at Tombstone, for Pete’s sake! But in all seriousness, given the rural nature of so many states and the response time of law enforcement, this is an important topic.”

“I don’t know. She said in Arizona I-“

“Federally. Federally. People talk about the gun control debate supposedly from all sides, but there’s so many more moving parts. So many little pieces. You can’t be intoxicated with a gun, but you could protect your wine cellar or whiskey bar at home with a rifle otherwise. Someone breaks in for your prescription medication, same deal. Not so fast, though, with medical cannabis. With recreational cannabis. Much different. We will see what happens if it is ever rescheduled. So in the meantime, come visit. We have patient reciprocity. Can gift you meds if you bring your card. You can finally try some of those cold ethanol extracts here!”